Monday, 5 July 2021

Why Do Planes Crash?

For writing we were allowed to write our own piece of descriptive writing. I decided to write about why planes crash because I was interested in finding them on google earth. Below is my piece of writing after a title of why planes crash. I found trying to describe plane crashes tricky.

                                                                Why Planes Crash
Do you know why planes crash? in this piece of writing I will tell you why planes crash and why they go missing. Planes crash because they could run out of fuel or someone could slam the throttle and damage the engine and it will stop. when a plane runs out of fuel it is because the fuel pumps could jam.

There is a plane crash ten miles off the coast of normans cay called "Pablo Escobar's sunken plane". When it was discovered one day after the crash they found illegal packages packed inside, now it is a popular diving spot for experienced divers. planes usually crash in water because airports are made on the edge of the city by the beach. When you are at Gisborne airport if you look past the runway you will see a cliff which is the cliff near the beach.

 Sometimes planes crash and are never found, like malaysia airlines boeing 777 flight MH370. You can find plane crashes on google earth or on google maps. Did you know that an airbus can fly with one engine, that is why they don't crash that often. planes go missing because the pilots get stuck in storms or the air traffic control lose contact.

 Now you know why planes crash so you can look for them or go to known plane crashes like Pablo Escobar's plane when you are older.

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