For week three we had to write a report about bees. with the classification, description, location, habitat and dynamics. Enjoy!
Bees are in the family of apidae, with wasps and ants. Apis and bombus are the two groups in apidae. Apis stands for honeybees, wasps and ants. Bombus stands for the bumblebees.
Bumblebees are fuzzy with black and yellow fur. They have six short legs and small little wings. They bite instead of stinging. Honeybees are smaller and have the same details, except less hair and a pocket of venom attached to a stinger.
Bees live in orchids, woodlands, meadows and places where there are flowers. Their hives are in tree cavities and bumblebees live in holes.
People keep using bug spray and are killing the bees which we need to pollinate fruit and vegetables. Without bees there will be no food.